Saturday, April 13, 2013

Filosofi dari Semar

Dalam tiap lakon wayang, bila kita cermati, tokoh Semar setiap kali mengawali dialog sering berkata: “mbregegeg, ugeg-ugeg, hmel-hmel, sak dulito, langgeng.” Yang artinya “mbregegeg” (diam), “ugeg-ugeg” (begerak/berusaha), “hmel-hmel” (makan), “sak dulito” (walaupun sedikit), “langgeng” (abadi).

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The New World

            Dunia baru ? Sebenarnya kurang tepat karena aku masih tinggal di bumi yang sama. Tapi dengan keadaan yang benar-benar berbeda aku tak yahu harus menyebutnya apa. Ah, itu tidaklah penting. Sekarang yang terpenting adalah aku menikmati apa yang ada sekarang. Masa bodoh dengan apa yang orang bilang kepadaku. Tiap orang punya jalan dan tujuan masing-masing begitupun aku. Godaan datang untuk menghentikan langkahku, untunglah aku masih kuat untuk tetap terus melangkah menuju sasaran.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

270 KM

Donny Dhirgantoro has a story about climbing Semeru mountain under title 5 cm. I am also have a story about my trip to Cilacap with my big family during December 30th 2012 until January 1st 2013 to visit my grandmother’s brother because long time no see which we went there by three cars under title 270 km. In fact, the title is taken from the distance which we through it between my home at Karanganyar to Cilacap

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Most Tired Day of the Month

I got assignment from my lecturer to get an interview with a native speaker, so I have to find someone who comes from other country. I will tell you about my effort to look for a native speaker. Let’s check this out.